Simple Stresses and Strains in Strength of Materials uploaded by QIS College of Engineering & Technology

Simple Stresses and Strains in Strength of Materials uploaded by Bhanu Prasad uploaded in QIS College of Engineering & Technology at

Define the strength, Mechanical properties of commonly used engineering materials. Identify the nature and effect of tensile, compressive and shear forces. Define the terms stress, strain State Hook‘s law, define the terms Poisson‘s ratio and elastic moduli.Draw the typical stress - strain curve for ductile and brittle materials under tension indicating salient points on it. Mention the significance of Factor of Safety. Write down the relation between elastic constants E,N,K,& 1/m. Compute stress and strain values in bodies of uniform section and of composite section under the influence of normal forces.Calculate thermal stresses, in bodies of uniform section and composite sections. Compute changes in axial, lateral and volumetric dimensions of bodies of uniform sections under the action of normal forces.




Simple Stresses and Strains


Strength of Materials


QIS College of Engineering & Technology

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