Introduction to Mechanics of Materials in Strength of Materials uploaded by QIS College of Engineering & Technology

Introduction to Mechanics of Materials in Strength of Materials uploaded by Bhanu Prasad uploaded in QIS College of Engineering & Technology at

Strength of Materials or Mechanics of Materials is a branch of applied mechanics that deals with the behaviour of deformable solid bodies subjected to various types of loadings. While studying Engineering Mechanics it is assumed that all bodies are either rigid or point particles. In this course on Strength of Materials, the bodies are considered deformable and subjected to failure or breakage. The focus is more on the internal effects in a body due to externally applied loads. This helps in determining the safe loads on a structure and is essential in the safe design of all types of structures like airplanes, antennas, buildings, bridges, ships, automobiles, spacecrafts, etc. This course forms the foundation for most engineering disciplines.




Introduction to Mechanics of Materials


Strength of Materials


QIS College of Engineering & Technology

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