Project Practicum with Multiple Projects training provided by University of California, Irvine
Managing multiple projects presents different and additional challenges when compared with the management of a single project. This advanced hands-on course builds on the project managers’ previously acquired knowledge and skills in the areas of scope, time, cost, risk, human resources, leadership, and teambuilding through a combination of videos, discussions, and team-based learning exercises.
This capstone course lets you put into practice the project process groups and knowledge areas that are outlined in the Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide (PMBOK® Guide) and expands it to those required to management multiple projects.
These skills include delivering appropriate and timely communications and applying advanced, effective management skills. You'll learn how to oversee multiple stakeholders; prioritize tasks; and allocate resources efficiently. You'll explore scheduling techniques that allow you to balance resource utilization with project risks and achieve a desired level of responsiveness that can lead to a schedule that ensures optimal stakeholder satisfaction. The basics of portfolio management, program management, and Scrum Agile project management techniques are also covered.
Group Work: You will be assigned to a Coursera team for the group project. Given the class size, the number and size of the groups may vary. You may see additional members join or drop from your group as they register or opt to not continue for this course. Thus, it is important to understand that just as in real-life project teams, you will be expected to manage the completion of the project activities with a possible team member changes.
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