All about Engineering Mechanics Video PPT lecture notes assignments question papers for jntuk jntuh jntua vtu bput anna universities
Beginner5(4 Ratings)
0 Students enrolled
Created by Bhanu PrasadLast updated Sat, 18-Apr-2020English
Toppers Training provide Engineering Mechanics free videos and material. , Toppers Training Institute collabrated with best institute for Engineering Mechanics online and offline training and coaching classes .
Curriculum for this course
6 Lessons
00:00:00 Hours
1 Lessons
Unit 1 - Engineering Mechanics notes
1 Lessons
Unit 2 - Engineering Mechanics notes
1 Lessons
Unit 3 - Engineering Mechanics notes
1 Lessons
Unit 4 - Engineering Mechanics notes
1 Lessons
Unit 5 - Engineering Mechanics notes
1 Lessons
Unit 6 - Engineering Mechanics notes
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Engineering mechanics is the study of forces that act on bodies and the resultant motion that those bodies experience. Engineering mechanics subject involves the application of the principles of mechanics to solve real-time engineering problems.
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