Constrained and unconstrained optimization in NPTEL and Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
PRE-REQUISITES: Basic Mathematics
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Any engineering or mathematics student
COURSE OUTLINE: This course has been designed for postgraduate students. Operations research is not only important in its own right but also forms an integral part of applied sciences like economics, management science, engineering design problems etc. The course provides a systematic and thorough discussion on the subject matter with numerous examples.pre-requisites: Basic MathematicsINTENDED AUDIENCE: Any engineering or mathematics studentINDUSTRIES APPLICABLE TO: R&D companiesCOURSE OUTLINE: This course has been designed for postgraduate students. Operations research is not only important in its own right but also forms an integral part of applied sciences like economics, management science, engineering design problems etc. The course provides a systematic and thorough discussion on the subject matter with numerous examples.
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