Appium Training is provided by SparkDatabox Training Institute in Anywhere in India
Appium is an open-source mobile application User
Interfacetesting tool by Sauce Labs, used to automate native, hybrid, and
mobile web apps on their respective platforms. It facilitates automation test
on physical devices together with an emulator or simulator both. It offers
cross-platform application testing, which means that it permits a similar test
to be handle on multiple platforms. Multiple devices can be easily tested by
Appium simultaneously. Spark DataboxAppium Certification Course Training Center
in Coimbatore helps learners to acquire the concept of application testing,
Executing scripts, and test application software using Appium. This also helps
to test mobile applications for Android and iOS along with a better
understanding of the structure application program. Besides, this training also
encourages beginners to handle the Appium server usage and configuration,
object identification techniques, page object modeling (POM), and unit testing.
Furthermore, it teaches to store variables and commands with Appium. After
completing this training from our best Appium Certification Training Center in
Coimbatore, learners will be in-depth with Appium libraries and can create
different automation test cases during their quality assurance and testing
cycle. With this, they can able to set up, configure, deploy, test, and run
their Appium framework.
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